Table of Contents
Each project consists of at least 3 distinct blocks:
 SDC (source device class) is the set of controllers whose variables (probe values, operating state,
etc...) constitute the inputs for the supervision project.
 ELS (event logic supervisor) is the functional block that combines the input performed by the SDC
with the output, that is to say, the sending of the commands to the supervision project controllers.
 ODC (object device class) is the class of tools involved by the sending of commands
Other blocks can be associated with these functional blocks, e.g. STE (system time event) as well as others
that will be added by Dixell during the development of the XWEB5000 project.
Choose the "Create" menu. We will create a SDC that verifies the state of the XJP30D module digital input.
When this input is active for at least 3 minutes, the generator is to be considered active.
Enter an appropriate name under "SDC name". From the device type filter, select the tool to be monitored.
Go to "activation" and in our example select "Generic digital input".
If multiple variables and devices are configured for this block, the logic rule constructed by the above
parameters corresponds to:
RL = Rever logic (box selected = not)
ACT = Activation logic. AND or OR
DL = Device Logic. AND or OR.
'VarA'-Addr1 = VariableA of device address 1.
If the control must be executed on numeric values, set the condition (greater, less, equal) and the
corresponding threshold value.
The block output results from the above calculation. Value 0 corresponds to status DIS (disable). Value 1
corresponds to status ENA (enabled). These front changes are sent to the next block (ELS), which will then
carry out further processing and act by sending commands to the successive blocks.
1592010880 XWEB3000_5000 EVO OPR GB r1.0 2014.11.28
( (RL 'VarA'-Addr1) ACT (RL 'VarB'-Addr1) ) DL
( (RL 'VarA'-Addr2) ACT (RL 'VarB'-Addr2) ) DL
( (RL 'VarA'-Addr3) ACT (RL 'VarB'-Addr3) ) )
Table of Contents

Table of Contents