Sony DMP-Z1 - Digital Music Player Manual

Sony DMP-Z1 - Digital Music Player Manual

Also See for DMP-Z1:
Sony DMP-Z1 - Digital Music Player Manual

About the manuals

  1. (Startup Guide)
    The Startup Guide describes the following:
    • Basic operating instructions of your Digital Music Player*1
  2. Help Guide (web document for a PC/smartphone)
    The Help Guide contains more detailed operating instructions, specifications and customer support website URL, etc.
    While browsing is free, you may be charged a communication fee according to your carrier contract.

*1 The "Digital Music Player" is referred to as "player" in this manual.

Depending on the country/region in which you have purchased your player, some models may not be available.

Notes for using the player

Note for battery

Formatting a microSD card

Be sure to read the instructions for microSD cards in the Help Guide on the Internet before you store content on a microSD card (not supplied).

BLUETOOTH® capabilities

You can listen to music stored on your player from Bluetooth audio devices such as headphones or speakers. You can also listen to music stored on your smartphone or computer through the player. Refer to the "Help Guide" for details on using the Bluetooth function.

Pairing (first time the device is used)

When you connect Bluetooth audio devices wirelessly for the first time, the devices must be registered to each other. This registration is called "pairing."

  1. Tap - [ Settings] – [Connect to/Add Audio Device] under [Bluetooth].
  2. Tap the Bluetooth switch () to turn on the Bluetooth function.
  3. Select the device from the paired device list to make the Bluetooth connection.
    After the Bluetooth connection is established, [Connected] is displayed.

Connecting (subsequent uses)

  1. Tap - [ Settings] – [Connect to/Add Audio Device] under [Bluetooth].
  2. Tap the Bluetooth switch () to turn on the Bluetooth function.


  1. Tap - [ Settings] – [Connect to/Add Audio Device] under [Bluetooth].


  • Pairing information is deleted in the following situations. Pair the devices again.


The player is not recognized by your computer.

Compliance & Information

Information on laws and trademarks

  • For information on laws, regulations, and trademark rights, refer to "Important Information" in the internal memory of your unit. To read it, open the following folders in the system storage after you connect the unit to your computer.
    [PLAYER] - [Information_HelpGuide] - [Important_Information]
    After you double-click the [index.html] file, select a language.
  • The N-Mark is a trademark or registered trademark of NFC Forum, Inc. in the United States and in other countries.

About the in-ear headphones

  • When you use in-ear headphones with a high degree of adhesion, note the following. Otherwise, you may damage your ears or eardrums.

Rated current consumption 2.35 A

About the headphones

L/R Channels

POWER OUTPUT AND TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION: With 16 ohm loads, both channels driven, from 20 Hz – 20,000 Hz; rated 1,250 milliwatts per channel minimum RMS power at stereo mode, with no more than 0.05% total harmonic distortion from 250 milliwatts to rated output.

©2018 Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia

Documents / Resources


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Here you can download full pdf version of manual, it may contain additional safety instructions, warranty information, FCC rules, etc.

Table of Contents